The Rythm of the Night

28 August, 2024 

I know what you’re gonna say - Squid, there’s a typo in your title. You, a legitimate author, has made an egregious error. And you would be right - except it’s on purpose. Porpoise, if you’ll accept the pun. HOWEVER…let’s get on with it. I’m a day early this week, so hopefully this brings you happiness and even sparks joy.

The Werk

  • Ryan

    • Rewrote the TSS LobbySystem from the ground up. Break it. (((( I dare you ))))

    • Added Team [REDACTED].

    • Fixed multiple bugs and performance issues with inventory items. Server now just spawns a NetworkTransform instead of a rigidbody. Clients will simulate the movement of the graphics on their end. Smoke and mirrors dog. From 50 frames to 300+

    • Rewrote lobby character update logic to be strictly event based.

    • Met with Kythera AI developers and are next in line for a trial version. I cannot wait to reconnect with our new zombie pals... racks DOOM_SLAYER.

    • Fixed the issue causing your game to not close when you close it... what a concept.

    • Cleaned all unused references in like 400 script files.

    • Rewrote the graphics spawning logic for clients and excluded the server from this logic.

    • Got the new footstep system to handle dynamic footsteps based off Terrain textures in preparation for the next swamp map.

    • Worked with Bryan to get a new button click sound after getting our eardrums assaulted without consent.

    • Added jukebox.

    • Coldbrew Count: 28 or so.

  • Bryan

    • Been sick as a dog, but that just means I got that much more dog in me. Rode the brain fog into a completed list of Tier 3 Map Junk recipes. Probably have to redo all of it. I kid, I kid.

    • Tier 3 Weapon descriptions and recipes to be completed next week. The final push begins. Then onto augment origins.

    • Gave some squiddy notes on the upcoming weapon mold icons, and our ninja of the 3D world will be moving into Tier 3 model creation before we know it.

    • Continued work on music and SFX creation. Also a bit of work has been dedicated to voice cloning. Not sure if that piece has a home in the project, but I’m developing it nonetheless.

    • Ok, that’s it. You can find me, Buscemli, adventuring the long, dark of Moria.

  • Daniel

    • Boy wonder is continuing his foray into collegiate schooling. He’s still helping out and figuring out his schedule to continue his glorious work on afflicted!

  • Marc

    • Memes are brewing in that skull of his…

  • Mike

    • Continuing on the sweet model development for the Swamp assets. They’re amazing.

  • Alex

    • Working on the SwampyBoi (AKA, the Swamp map). This thing is really coming together and the whole team is stoked. I’m stoked. You’ll be stoked once you lay your eyes on it. You may weep, even. Who’s to say?

  • Cole

    • Continuing to work on weapon mold icons! It’s thirsty work.

In Closing

The work is flowing, and the development is moving along quite nicely. Things are really starting to come together on everything swampy, and the tech team is making significant headway on playable aspects of the game. Good times!!

Catch me on the beach, howboutdah?, 



He’s One Shot, Bro


Frames per Second