The Meta is Unleashed

3 October, 2024 

Hola! Welcome back to the day of Thurs and the newest edition of the Weekly Cheese! Once again, I shall be your humble guide as we delve into the past week in the world of Third Shift Studios (and afflicted). There was some serious cookery this past week, and our most recent play session brought some pretty wild things to light. Without further yappery, let’s get into it:

The Updates!

  • Ryan

    • Created a new branch for the project called FPS (First Person Shooter) to begin implementing FPS functionality.

    • FPS Branch

      • Got base FPS functionality with side switching, ADS, fire transform, aim transform. Still a lot of work to do.

      • Added all weapons to FPS view.

      • Created automation to update aim transform and other repetitive stuff.

      • Added slight camera bob when moving.

    • Main Branch

      • Added healing effect to player model when player's health go up.

      • Added shield effect to player model when player's shield go up.

      • Reworked a bunch of Gameplay UI logic.

      • Added cooldown to NPC spawning.

      • Fixed burst fire on multiplay - weapon charge still kinda funky.

  • Bryan

    • Improved/simplified concepts for:

      • Weapon augments - exclusive to kinetic weapons. Cheese weapons will all have unchanging yet exclusive uses and functions.

      • Augment Acquisition - reinforced chests to be placed in each map in bulk, acting as the players one and only way of looting and acquiring augments for kinetic/melee weapons. Crates to be opened with a crowbar.

      • Melee Weapons - Crowbar designated as the one and only melee weapon. However, this weapon will have access to Tier 2 augmentation giving it an exclusive function based on augment choice.

  • Daniel

    • Modified weapon damage for all weapons in the game. First pass at “balancing” the weapon damage values. Kinetic weapons do more damage to Truemans and Cheese weapons do more damage to AI.

    • Fixed an issue with RPG/RPGouda and Truckle Chucker not registering hits on some AI enemies.

  • Mike

    • Started cooking on designs for the city map! This variant looks like it’s going to be a lot more diverse in environments and a lot more fun than our v1 concept - so get ready!

  • Alex

    • Busy with life things, but still working on the swamp map. I’m so ready to get to playtesting on it.

  • Cole

    • Refining the weapon mold for launchers using Bryan’s feedback - almost done!

    • Started on the weapon mold for rifles!

In Closing

Yee-freaking-haw, folks. This week saw some pretty sweet additions to the afflicted project that may be a huge game-changer all around. The team and I hope you’re all staying safe out there with the weather and whatnot. Wishing only the best for our supporters!

Stay Dry, 



Rockets Shooting from Where?!


Now I Proclaim Thee, Healed!