So. Many. Rockets.

25 April, 2024 

Well, superteam, it’s Thursday. The day of Thurs! And following yesterday’s playtest, let’s just say I have an immense fear of rockets. With the augment system being worked on, and Ryan’s consistent updates on gameplay, the playtest was quite a riot. I’m sure you’ve seen the footage on Instagram, but if you haven’t, go check it out!

Working hard…

It’s notes time - and things are consistently busy around here. We’ll check in with the team and see what’s been going around this past week.

  • Ryan

    • Updated descriptor text for weapon augments! Now we know what they do.

    • Added in respawning into the dev map, which makes playtesting immensely more beneficial to the team at large. Because now we have more than one life and can break the server with our nonsense.

    • Worked on zombie animations and movement in general, including some of the swanky new reloads from Mike!

    • Automating nav mesh for zombie movement and jump points, otherwise we’ll be here for a decade.

    • Working on a way to provide places like Steam with cleaner and more “professional” dev / patch notes. This will allow us to put out some more readable updates on the technical side, without needing to rely on The Squid for blog posts.

    • Trying to stem the tide of the creative side of the house and their feedback on the state of the game. Ravenous bunch.

    • Coldbrew Counter == I just stocked up. Heh.

  • Bryan

    • Transformer room will have an additional function. Pertinent component recipes will be displayed to the player, regardless of whether or not the player has the means to unlock them.

    • Additionally, the transformer will display tiles that represent mystery recipes, which will produce legendary decorations (one for each map, then one that combines drops from all maps to make an ultimate component/decoration).

    • As for the Loadout Lab NPCs, a similar concept to the transformer will be applied. When interacted with, Recipes to be shown on screen regardless of the players means to craft them. Additionally, there will be mystery tiles that represent legendary weapons with unknown recipes. Hints to be given via quests/NPCs/logs etc.

    • Standard/base zombies will not drop map themed loot, but rather DNA, exclusively. Map themed zombies will be the only enemies to drop map themed loot. This way, the players inventory wont be completely full within the first couple waves of encountered zombies. Map loot will also be available as world spawn/loot chest spawn.

    • Base decorations will be separated into 4 different location classes:

      • Floor 1 (middle), floor 2 (against wall), Wall, and Ceiling. A secondary classification will be applied to furniture, as well as the objects that are meant to be placed/stacked on top of them. we will classify these as Stacking objects, with each object appropriately assigned the role of bottom or top. hehe.

  • Daniel

    • Continuing development on prototype for ping pong minigame in arcade.

    • Discussing implementation of leaderboards with Ryan.

    • Getting familiar with the project's layout.

    • Destroying my finals.

    • Definitely not looking for places to hide easter eggs.

  • Marc

    • Champion of memes, now with some AI help…

  • Mike

    • Working on reload animations. Some of the longarm reloads are already in the game! (and they look good)

  • Cole

    • Still working on posters - hands are an obnoxious thing to try and draw.

    • Dreaming up ideas for potential audio logs! Gotta get that worldbuilding in, ya dig?

In Closing

I technically had to write this twice because of some dumb nonsense with my internet, but here ya go. A nice conclusion. It’s nice right? Right?? We’re hard at work, folks, so stay tuned.





It’s Holographic!


Dodge This