Remember, No Ladders
16 August, 2024
Good folks of the cheese land, rejoice! Another week has passed and another edition of the Weekly Cheese is here (albeit a little late) to lift your spirits and drown your sorrows. This week brought us out of the recode and back into the light of glorious playtesting. Edits and improvements were abound, so let’s not delay and see what the team’s done.
The What, Who (and Where)
Wrote a bunch of code.
Spat game at an AI sales rep to try and get us a discount (it didn’t work).
Cold brews: 15
Needed a break from crunchin’ recipe numbers. This week was all about sound design.
Building a catalog of original SFX for both cheese guns and UI. A couple have been implemented so keep those ears peeled.
Got an original song implemented in the ARCADE, specific to everyone’s favorite mini game; Rhythm Rally.
Spent an ungodly amount of time studying TOS for our new sound software. Not all heroes wear capes.
Non-sound activities include a pinch of guidance for icons and models. But let’s be honest, Squid and Ninja are the real MVPs.
Next Week…
Back at it again with Map Junk breakdown recipes and weapon build recipes. Tier 3 is the final act in the recipe saga (for now…), so I’ll try to bring my best & brightest description ideas. It’s what the OP weapons deserve, after all.
Camera now follows your killer on death again. Ragdolls are reimplemented (and going wild).
Reimplemented nameplates (of course they broke again so I gotta fix some shtuff).
Made minor fixes to bunker UI from previous playtest. Worked with Bryan to add some crispy new sounds to the bunker.
Set up a PvP arena for playtesting with the dev team. Red vs Blue team action.
Set up the initial logic for the Extraction GameMode (main gamemode of afflicted).
Messed with some of the weapon stats to have their fire rates resemble their real life counterparts.
Arcade games now have their own music tracks. Will fade out the main game track and fade in its own when opening the arcade game. On exiting, main menu music will start again.
Revamped the UI for Settings. Relevant settings are now categorized into Graphics, Video, Audio, and Controls sections.
Going to fix some issues from the most recent playtest, and investigate some new ideas too!
Cooking up the memes and stuff.
Crafting the bits and baubles that you’ll see and collect on the Swamp map for use in recipes!
Continued thinking through designs for the Swamp map POIs and started work on the basic templates.
Worked / finished out the leather roll icon.
Did a little bit more workshopping on quest icons.
Also started thinking through Swamp map POIs.
In Closing
The team was really busy this week as they got the good ship afflicted back into working order. Lobby issues be damned, we’re building things out and testing them as roughly as possible to ensure that the bugs in the “new” system don’t rear their ugly head once we get the community back in here to test. More on that soon!
Hydrate or dydrate,