…Is a Squashed Bug

14 March, 2024 

Well hi! Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to join me and the rest of the 3rd Shift Studios team on this Weekly Cheese Thursday. I know there’s a million other things you could be spending your time on, so I’m glad you’re here. Ryan’s been up to his neck in bug fixes and general performance improvements as we work to iron out the functionality of afflicted while also trying to retain his sanity - so there’s been a lot to wade through.

The Nitty Gritty

The team’s been working reeeeealllly hard on ironing out bugs and functionality this week (as we have been), so this may feel lighter than normal. Don’t worry though - we’re ripping through the bug and feature list as fast as possible! Let’s check in with the team.

  • Bryan

    • Sourcing feedback for initial Tech Tree design documentation.

    • Starting to design overall structure of Tech Tree.

  • Marc

    • He’s come up with a new meme template and 2 new memes!

    • Making some quality improvements moving forward!

  • Mike

    • Designing some fancy reloads for all the guns we have. You’re gonna love them.

  • Cole

    • Continuing work on weapons icons.

    • Workshopping some ideas for map loading screens / previews. I’m really jazzed with the ideas we’ve come up with here.

    • Prepping for icon work with crafting components.

  • Ryan

    • Imma keep it short this week. Tons of work on the main menu UI, core systems, authentication, added leaderboard system, server stability, projectile fixes/optimization. Blah blah.

    • Now the cool stuff: Found a way to achieve tick-accurate hitboxes for NPCs without having to use the fusion animator. Thank god. Also, NPCs are now spawning on dev map and desert (they’re OP). They ragdoll. We had to get away from the old method…it was working, but there were too many limitations and performance issues. I take the AI piece really seriously as I find it incredibly fascinating. So I’m really putting in the time to make these things as scary and performant as possible.

    • Also, worked with Bryan on getting a bunch of new assets into the project. He has a way of sniffing out deals so we are picking up as much as we can during this flash sale Unity is having. Already got some mean animations, performance/optimization tools, and some new graphical assets.

    • Vitals

      • Coldbrew Counter >= 37

In Closing

As expected, we’re still rolling through performance improvements and bug fixes! This is an arduous process that takes a lot of the team to come together to test, in addition to our playtesters. Functionality is still being mapped out and we still have a ways to go yet, but we’re making some incredible progress. Thanks for sticking with us, and for coming out to see how this week has gone. I appreciate you being here.

Currently in a food coma,  




Break it Down


The Only Good Bug…